Jesus Heals A Paralyzed Man - Luke 5:17 - 26

Here are some good videos 

Idea 1

Introduce the idea of being paralyzed.

  • Explain to the kids that being paralyzed means that you can’t use some parts of your body. Sometimes it’s your legs and sometimes it can be more than that.

  • Ask everyone to sit on the floor and blow up a balloon.

  • Hit the balloon up in the air and try to keep hitting it up as a group so that it doesn’t hit the ground. The only trick is, no using your legs. You can use your arms to move around, but see how it feels to not have use of your legs.

Idea 2

Towel Races

  • Divide the kids up into groups of 5

  • Give each group a towel.

  • Ask each group to have four people holding the towel and one person sitting or laying on the towel.

  • Have a race from one end of a room to another. Then ask the teams to choose a different person to be on the towel and race back. Keep doing this until everyone has had a chance to be on the towel.

  • Talk about how the man in the story couldn’t walk and was carried around on mat.

Idea 3

Read through this story together.  

  • Let the kids colour in the story as you ask the following questions.

  • Why was the may laying on the mat?

  • Who carried the man?

  • How did the man’s friends take him to see Jesus?

  • What did Jesus do for the man?

Idea 4

Make some cut out people

  • In our story some friends brought a man to Jesus. We can do the same for our friends.

  • Make a paper chain of people. Here is an explanation on how to make the chain.

  • Think of some friends who you would like to pray for, or bring to church, or tell them about Jesus. Write your friends names on your paper people.

  • Think of different ways your can bring your friends to Jesus.

Idea 5

Make a Lava Lamp

  • Grab a bottle and pour 3/4 cup of water into it.

  • Fill the rest of the bottle full of vegetable oil.

  • Add a few drops of food colouring to the bottle.

  • Break an alka seltzer tablet in half and put it into the bottle.

  • Watch your lava lamp come to life.

  • Explain that when we see Jesus things start to happen in our lives, and we become more alive. Jesus is kind of like the Alka Seltzer tablet, he makes everything come alive.