The Wise King - 1 Kings 3

Here are some good videos

Idea 1

Play a game - Wise or not wise

  • Give examples of situations with two endings, one ending being wise and the other being not wise

  • Ask the kids to choose what ending would be the wise one.

Idea 2

Act out the story

Idea 3

Solve the problem

  • Tell the kids that it is their turn to be wise. Tell them the example of the two ladies coming to talk with Solomon in 1 Kings 3:16-28. One of the ladies babies had died in the night and now they were both saying that the child that was alive was their own child.

  • Ask the kids what they would do to figure out who was telling the truth. What kinds of questions could they ask the ladies?

Idea 4

True or False Questions

  • Solomon was David’s Son. (True)

  • Solomon went to Bethlehem to offer sacrifices. (False)

  • Solomon offered 5000 animals as sacrifices. (False)

  • Solomon slept over in Gibeon. (True)

  • Solomon had a dream from God. (True)

  • In Solomon’s dream God asked Solomon what he would like for Christmas. (False)

  • Solomon asked for wisdom. (True)

  • Solomon is known as the wise king. (True)

Idea 5

Play a memory game with the kids.  Ask them if they could ask for one thing what would you ask for?

  • Sit in a circle and let the first kid answer - If I could ask for one thing it would be __________.

  • Ask the second kid to answer - If I could ask for one thing it would be _________ and 1st kids’ answer.

  • Ask the third kid to answer - If I could ask for one thing it would be _______ and 2nd kids answer and 1st kids’ answer.

  • Keep going like this adding one more answer with every new kid.

Idea 6

Play a game using one of the proverbs.

  • Read and play this game

Please click on the links below for formal lessons

Kindergarten and Grade 1

Grades 2,3

Grades 4,5