Moses (the plagues) - Exodus 3-13

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Saddleback Kids

The Bible Project

Idea 1

Read God to the Rescue on page 84 in the Jesus Storybook Bible.

  • After you finish reading ask the following True or False questions…(to make it more active you can ask kids to run to one side of the room if the answer is true and to the other if the answer is false)

  • God talked to Moses through a talking sheep? (false, it was a burning bush)

  • Moses’ job was to tell Pharaoh to let the Israelites go. (true)

  • Pharaoh wouldn’t let the people go. (true)

  • One of the plagues was that people couldn’t stop dancing for 2 days straight. (false, that never happened)

  • One of the plagues was that frogs would jump around everywhere. (true)

  • One of the plagues was that the first born boy in each family would die if they hadn’t killed a lamb and put it’s blood on the door. (true)

  • Once Pharaoh’s son died, Pharaoh let the Israelites go? (true)

  • Then Pharaoh changed his mind, and chased after the Israelites. (true)

  • The Israelites fought Pharaoh and his army until all of Pharaoh’s army ran away. (false, God parted the sea and the Israelites walked through)

Idea 2

Make origami frogs 

  • Here is an explanation on how to make frogs out of paper.

  • talk with the kids about the plagues

  • Which one do they think is the worst? Why? (Have you even been camping and there were tons of flys everywhere? Have you ever found a frog in your bed? What is a locust?)

Idea 3

Talk about the 10 plagues

  • print this piece of paper out on cardstock and cut out all the pictures of the plagues.

  • spread the pictures of the plagues out on the floor or on a large table.

  • talk about all the pictures with the kids and explain the plague that they represent.

  • Then call out a plague, and have a contest to see who can put their hand on that plague first.

Idea 4

Talk about Pharaoh’s saying no

  • print this piece of paper out on cardstock and cut out all the pictures of the plagues.

  • Ask the kids to identify each plague, then ask them what did Pharaoh say?

  • Teach them to say “Oh no, you can’t go” after each plague except “the death of the first born” where he says “oh yes, you can go”.

  • Tell the kids that when Pharaoh said “Oh no, you can’t go” he was saying no to God. His heart was hard and he was saying “no” when he should have been saying “yes”

Idea 5

Talk about Pharaoh’s hard heart

  • Give each kid a rock and a sponge.

  • Ask them questions like what does the rock feel like? What does the sponge feel like?

  • Which one is soft, which one is hard?

  • Put them in water, and ask them, which one soaks up water.

  • Talk about Pharaoh’s heart, say “Pharaoh thought he could do things his way, he was treating people badly and kept saying no to God. Do you think Pharaoh’s heart was like the rock or like the sponge?”

  • Explain that a sponge is soft and can soak things up, like God’s love.

  • Ask the kids what kind of a heart they would like to have? A hard one like a rock, or a soft one like a sponge?

Idea 6

Talk about Pharaoh’s hard heart, and relate it to our hard or soft hearts

  • Give each kid a rock and a sponge.

  • Ask them questions like what does the rock feel like? What does the sponge feel like?

  • Which one is soft, which one is hard?

  • Talk about Pharaoh’s heart, say “Pharaoh thought he could do things his way, he was treating people badly and kept saying no to God. Do you think Pharaoh’s heart was like the rock or like the sponge?”

  • What about our hearts? In what ways can our hearts be like a rock? and what are other ways they can be like a sponge?