Nabal and Abigail - 1 Samuel 25

Here are some good videos

Idea 1

Brainstorm everything you know about Nabal, Abigail and David.

  • Write the names Nabal, Abigail and David on the board.

  • Give the kids a version of the story and ask them to find out as many things that they can about each person.

  • Ask them to make a list under each person’s name.

  • Once each list is finished, read through them as a group, and talk about each person’s personality.

Idea 2

Ask the kids to make their own ending

  • Tell the kids the story of Nabal, Abigail and David but stop at the part where David and mad and wants to kill him.

  • Ask the kids to get into groups and get them each to think of a different ending to the story. You could ask them each for make up a way to stop David from killing everyone.

  • Ask each group to share their ending.

Idea 3

Practice sharing

  • Give one of the kids a small box of smarties

  • Then get one of the other kids to ask them for some.

  • See what their reaction is, and encourage them to share.

  • Talk about the story, David shared his time and herds men with Nabal, but when David asked Nabal to share, Nabal refused. How did that make David feel?

Idea 4

Talk about a time when you had a hard time sharing something with someone else.  Or someone didn’t want to share with you.  

Idea 5

Talk about kindness with your kids.

Use this link to help -

Click on the links below for some formal lessons.

Kindergarten and Grade 1

Grade 2,3

Grade 4,5