Judging Others and True Obedience - Luke 6:43-end

Here are some good videos to watch




Idea 1

Blindfold Game

  • Blindfold all the kids on one end of the room and ask them to get to the other side.  

  • Then partner the kids up and have only one partner to be blindfolded.  Ask the kids in partners to get to the other side of the room.

  • Ask the kids which way was easier, with everyone blindfolded or just one person and one guide.  

  • Talk about how Jesus is our best guide and best person to follow.  Sometimes when we follow each other we can only be as good as the person we are following.  When we follow Jesus we become like him.

Idea 2

Bring in some food that looks good but taste bad.

  • Bake some cookies  in half of the cookies add a lot of salt.

  • Put all the cookies mixed on a platter and tell the kids that you made them some cookies to eat.

  • Let them each pick a cookie and then start eating (half of them should notice the salt right away).

  • Ask the kids what’s wrong, and let them explain.  Talk about how all the cookies look the same on the outside, but they aren’t the same on the inside.  

  • Ask them what would need to happen for the cookies to be good.  (the ingredients would need to change).  Explain to the kids that for us to change we can’t just put on different clothes or try to act different, our hearts need to change.  Jesus is the one who changes our hearts.

Idea 3

House building contest

  • Tell the kids that you are having a house building contest to see who can build the best house.

  • Give them lots of materials to use, lego, paper, play doh, tape, pipe cleaners etc.  

  • Once all the kids have finished their houses, use a powerful blower or fan and test each house to see if it can stand against the storm. 

  • Talk about our own lives with the kids.  Explain that storms are hard times and hard days.  Jesus is the one who holds onto us when we are being blown around.  

Idea 4

Read Luke 6:43-end in the bible

  • Divide the class into 4 smaller groups and give each group a part of the reading.

  • Luke 6:39-41 - Blind leading the blind

  • Luke 6:41-43 - Plank in the eye

  • Luke 6:43-46 - Tree and the fruit

  • Luke 6:46-end - Build your house on the rock.

  • Ask each group to draw a picture of what they read and explain it.  

Idea 5

Read this story with the kids.

  • Let them colour in the page.

  • As they are colouring go around and ask them various questions about what is happening in the story.

Please click on the links below for full lesson plans.


Grades 1,2,3

Grades 4,5