Birth of John The Baptist - Luke 1:1-24, 59-end

Ideas 1

Read this story with the kids. 

  • After you have finished reading, let the kids colour in the page.

  • As they are colouring, walk around and ask the kids the following questions

  • Who is this?  (point to Zechariah)

  • What did the angel say to Zechariah?

  • Did Zechariah believe the angel?

  • What did Zechariah call his baby?

Idea 2 

Play charades with the kids.  

  • Cut out the Zechariah charades page and fold up all the little pieces of paper

  • Take turns letting one of the kids pick out a piece of paper and try to act out what is written on the paper.  (they can’t say a word or make any sounds).

  • Once all the papers have been chosen and acted out ask the kids to put the papers in story order.

Idea 3

Read Luke 1:1-24 and 59-end in the bible

  • Ask the kids if they found anything interesting in the story.  

Idea 4

Play true or false

  • Zechariah worked as a pizza maker.  (false)

  • Elisabeth was old and lots of people made fun of her because she didn’t have any kids. (true)

  • Zechariah saw an angel.  (true)

  • The angel’s name was John.  (false)

  • Zechariah didn’t believe the angel and so he couldn’t speak until the baby was born. (true)

  • Zechariah and Elisabeth named their baby John.  (true)

  • John was Jesus’ cousin.  (true)

Idea 5

Talk about promises with the kids

  • Ask the kids if they can think of a time when someone made a promise and then didn’t keep their promise.  How did it make them feel?

  • Then ask them if they can think of a time when someone did keep their promise.  

  • Tell the kids a story from your own life when someone kept a promise.

  • Ask the kids who always keeps their promises no matter what?  (the answer is God)

  • Talk about the promise God made was starting to come true with John being born.

Idea 6

Chant God keeps his promises

  • Ask the kids to do various activities while chanting “God Keeps His Promises”.

  • They can jump up and down, pretend to ride a bicycle, stand on one foot, pretend to swim etc.  

Idea 7

Match the bible promises, with the bible verse, and the explanation.

  • cut out the pieces of the bible promises match sheet and mix them up.

  • Let the kids try to match put them together.  All three pieces make a match.

Click on the links below for formal lesson plans


Grades 1-3

Grades 4,5