Jesus Calms The Storm - Matthew 8:23-27

Idea 1

Show the kids this video a few times

  • The first time the kids watch the video, tell them this is a video without words and that you would like them to think about what words they would put into the video (or how would they narrate the video).  

  • The second time they watch the video, divide the kids up into smaller groups, each group should have a leader or an older child.  Show them the video and ask each group to add their own words.

Idea 2

Make your own boat

  • Put out a number of supplies for the kids to make their own boats.

  • Before they begin, let them know that they are trying to make a boat that can survive a storm, and there could be a chance that their boat could get wrecked.

  • Let the kids build their boats and go around asking them how their boat will stand up in a storm.

  • Once kids have finished their boats, have a bucket of water or a sink filled where you can test them. If their boats float, ask them if it’s okay to test the boat, and let them know there could be a chance that their boat will get wrecked. Then start pouring cups of water on the boat.

  • Could how many cups of water you can pour on the boat before it sinks. The kid whose boat can withstand the most cups of water can be declared the one who made the strongest boat.

  • Tell the kids that in todays story Jesus and the disciples were in a boat with a storm, but they didn’t have a great boat that could withstand any storm…they had something better.

Idea 3

Read Captain of the Storm on page 236 in the Jesus Storybook Bible.

Idea 4

Act out a storm.

  • Explain to the kids that all of you together are going to act out a storm.

  • Brainstorm different ways you could move to act out a storm (rolling on the ground, jumping, running around, moving your arms like waves)

  • Choose one kid to be Jesus. Tell everyone that when “Jesus” stands on a chair and says “be still” everyone needs to sit down and be quiet immediately.

  • Do this a few different times and let a few different kids be Jesus.

  • At the end of this game ask the kids why you needed to obey Jesus when He said “be still”?

  • Explain to the kids that God made the world and is in charge of it, so when Jesus says to the waves to be still, the waves will listen. Everything listens to God because He made it all and He is in charge of everything.

Idea 5

Have a discussion with the kids.  

  • Tell them about a time that you were scared.

  • Explain to them that the disciples in the boat were scared as well. They thought they were going to die.

  • Jesus helped the disciples when they were scared and Jesus can help us when we are scared as well.

Idea 6

Make a list of fears and act them out.

  • cut out the list of fear cards and go through them with the kids.

  • Give the kids some blank cards and ask them to write down their own fears.

  • Then play a game charades. One by one ask on of the kids to come up, pick a fear card without anyone seeing it and act it out. Let the other kids who are watch try to guess the fear.

  • Then pick another kid and let them act out a different fear.

Kindergarten and grade 1

Grades 2,3

Grades 4,5